Miscellaneous Facts

There’s a lotta weird, hidden, or otherwise tough to understand things in Drakkar. Here’s a brief listing of things that lots of people might ask.


  • Luck is used to determine the number of times you can buy HP from the HP doc before he asks for an item.

  • Charisma is used to determine the cost of HP from the HP doc.

  • Charisma is used to determine how effective paid skill training is.

  • Strength affects how well you hit enemies, how hard you hit, and your encumberance limit.

  • Agility affects how well you dodge hits and how well you hide/steal.

  • Willpower affects how well you mitigate psi damage.

  • Constitution affects your chances of getting a higher HP rest (higher con = better rest).

  • Constitution affects your chances of mitigating combat stuns.

  • Intelligence gives better EP rests and EP regen to Mentalists and Fighter/Mentalists.

  • Wisdom gives better EP rests and EP regen to Healers.

  • Attacks gives you more rolls to determine how hard you hit with a melee attack (the highest roll is kept).

  • Dying on a healer (via a player, or yourself) will restore your CON to the highest value possible for your level.

  • It is possible to exceed your CON cap using SK random pots, but overages are lost on restore.

  • Going to the level 13 HP Doc and saying ###, train will show you your base HP.

  • You can see your base EP by drinking a zap from UGH.


  • There are some capped skills while progressing. This means that you can only get a certain number of skill gain, max, at a time. The skills are: 5, 11, 18, 26

  • Different weapons carry different hide penalties. If you’re holding a halberd, you’re more likely to be seen than if you’re holding a dagger.

  • Any class can backstab and hide as if they were a thief, provided they have the requisite skill level.

  • If you have a skill >= 40, you can look at xxx to see how far they are percentwise on that skill.

  • You can only gain skill in areas where you’d normally be able to get xp.

  • Thieves do more damage to targets facing away from them.


  • The Aid disc boosts your ability to hide, see through hide, and your melee to-hit rolls.

  • form illusion rockwall triggers the Cavern Creeper quirk.

  • form illusion dense|l-forest|r-forest triggers the Tree Hugger quirk.

  • You can form illusion wall then form illusion water on the wall to create an unbreakable wall that you can passwall onto and easily crush melee bosses.

  • If you accidentally step into the open while hidden, you can manually type a movement command to get next to a wall again before your hide breaks.

  • Most lairs can see through Limited Invisibility (liminv).

  • Any plate armor intended for use with fighter-type classes (Lorsulan Plate, Leviathan Fullplate, etc) will cut outgoing psionic damage.


  • Innate Armor, when 100/100, adds as much AC as the Paladin Nameless Lord Armor.

Progress Quest Evasion

  • You can turn in a tied (to someone else) mormar/shimok book.

  • You can skip the 50-advancement quest and just go primal.

  • You can do the pads for Mormar-1 and Mormar-2 to skip the normal access quest.


  • Outcasts get better prices from Lisa in Cobrahn.

  • Woodland and Forest Dwellers can hear more forest-y sounds than other races.


  • You can see if an area is twiggable by checking the description of the twig. If the glow is subdued, you can’t twig out.

  • In addition to stripping, some lairs can eat. This is mostly creatures like dragons, FoodGuardian, and others. Getting eaten doesn’t happen every time, but it can suck your XP and skills.

  • You can be randomly stripped by monsters, they may rarely search your corpse for gear.

  • Holding the corpse of some lairs will prevent them from respawning.